life goals

Be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire.

T  R  A  V  E  L  S

Travel to Scotland

Travel to France

Visit all of Norway

Travel by train from one country to another

Go for a real camping trip

F  I  T  N  E  S  S

Be happy with my body

Eat healthy

S  K  I  L  L  S

Learn photography

Write a book

Be fluent in 5+ languages (so far: Norwegian and English)

Learn to paint

P  E  R  S  O  N  A  L 

Have children

Adopt a child

Own a house

Have goats

Redecorate a house

C  A  R  E  E  R

Be happy with my career

Be a published author

who am I?

My name is Thea, I'm a 19 year old girl who loves to read, write and spend way too much time on the computer. I'm a introverted, shy girl who wishes she could be more social.



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