my nanowrimo survival kit + free printable

October 28, 2017

Four more days now...

As I have mentioned, I haven't been able to decide if I'm going to participate in this years National Novel Writing Month. However, as of yesterday, I have decided that I'm going to give it a shot this year. It's not like I have anything better to do... And no, I'm not being sarcastic by the way!

I realized it's stupid of me to let this years NaNoWriMo pass without putting some effort into it seeing that I have no obligations for anything else other than life. I might not reach 50 000 words by the end of the month, but I'll feel worse if I don't even try to reach 50k! My best NaNoWriMo was my first year (in 2015, I gave up on day two in 2016). I wrote 15 050 words and even though my GOAL is 50 000, my "realistic" goal is 20 000. If I write 20 000 words I'll have written 20 000 words of my novel + beaten my best word count!
Anyway, let's move on to my survival kit for NaNoWriMo:

[ 1 ]  C O M P U T E R 
Like, I can't go without it. It's a big part of my writing process. I keep track of word count and of course, I keep the entire story on there. All though, to be fair, I don't actually write that much on my computer. I actually prefer handwriting! I type whatever I handwrite into my document whenever I feel like doing it (during the day).

[ 2 ]  N O T E B O O K  +  P E N S
About a month ago I decided I wanted to see if I could focus more on the story when writing by removing all electronic devices whilst writing. I cleaned my desk, removed my computer and phone, lit a candle and wrote. I call it my digital writing detox. It worked, though. I write more and better when I don't have anything but the paper and pen and a lit candle in front of me. I don't put any music on either, though, I might for certain scenes to get into a certain mood! 

[ 3 ]  B I N D E R S
I like to keep things organized with my writing. Therefore, I keep research, notes, ideas and whatever else organized in a folder. Actually two. I had one but then I have too much so I ended up buying a new one. One of them contains research for my story (world war 2 historical fiction) and the other contains things for the actual story: ideas, plot, timeline, character and so on. I find this to help me whenever I need to know something. It's easy to use and when I'm trying to write a lot in a small time frame I find organazation is key. 

[ 4 ]  H E A L T H Y  S N A C K S
This has more to do with focus and motivation and all that fun stuff. By keeping my body and brain "intact" and healthy, I find it easier to focus on writing. It keeps me sane.

[ 5 ]  W A L K S
Just like the one above, going for walks helps me with focus and motivation. Being one with nature, moving my body - it's great. Getting fresh air is something that helps me A LOT when it comes to almost everything.
What's something you need when it comes to writing?

As I have mentioned, I like keeping things organized. I love printables and therefore I made a simple printable you can download for free to keep track of your word count for the month. You can download it by clicking here! (It's a google doc)

Oh, and you are more than welcome to pin this photo:

Thank you for reading! Lots of love, Thea!

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who am I?

My name is Thea, I'm a 19 year old girl who loves to read, write and spend way too much time on the computer. I'm a introverted, shy girl who wishes she could be more social.



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