healthy cookies

October 27, 2017

I have a huge sweet tooth... it's a problem...

I was looking through Pinterest (as I always do) for some healthy recipes - dinner, breakfast, snacks and whatever I could find - and ended up finding a few healthy recipes for cookies. The problem I always seem to encounter is that all the healthy recipes have a few ingredients that either costs a lot of money (at least where I live) or are just hard to find. It has gotten to a point where I just get annoyed every time I'm reading through a recipe. It's stupid, I know, but I can't help it. 

Eventually, though, I did find one recipe with ingredients I already had (except honey - I had to go and buy it) and it didn't seem too hard so I gave it a go... I also just really wanted to eat some cookies without feeling too guilty!
The recipe I used is from Amy's Healthy Baking

I have a tendency to not follow every single direction when I'm following a recipe, but it said that it was very important, so I grabbed my scale, bowls and everything I needed. I measured everything correctly to the exact measurements. Actually, except the flour: I used 90 grams instead of 100 grams because I used gluten free flour as my sister can't eat gluten and I find gluten-free flour to make whatever I'm making a little too dry! I also added chocolate pieces instead of raisins because raisins aren't something my family likes. 
If I end up making these another time there is one thing I'll change... There was too much cinnamon for me. It overpowered too much, and even though I like cinnamon, this was too much for me.
(Update: I made these a second time and they were - in my opinion - a lot better with less cinnamon!)

Other than that, I enjoyed this recipe and what came out of it!

With love, Thea

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who am I?

My name is Thea, I'm a 19 year old girl who loves to read, write and spend way too much time on the computer. I'm a introverted, shy girl who wishes she could be more social.



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