december goals

December 03, 2017

I don't know about you but I honestly can't believe it's already DECEMBER! Like, where did this year go? One can't lie: this year hasn't been the best for the world. However, I hope 2018 will turn out to be a good year, for myself and the rest of the world.

I was trying to think of something I did this year that I'm happy, proud or excited about but I honestly couldn't think of that many:

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I  V O T E D
September of this year was the Parliamentary election here in Norway, it was also the first time I could vote for something as big as this. I fully believe that when you have a voice, you should use it. And I did. I read articles, I researched the different political parties, I watched a debate - and I voted. 

I have wanted to make youtube videos for years now, ever since I first started to watch it myself. It's scared me so I haven't done it, but this year, I finally did it... And then I stopped for a few months... But I'm trying it again. I managed to do something I was nervous and scared about, and I'm proud of myself for that. Even though I freaked out for a bit.

I love soda. Specifically Pepsi. It's been a bad habit. But it's been so easy to just take a glass of it every day. I don't care what other people say about it, to be honest, but I know it's not good for me. But then, in September, I started having some stomach problems (stomach acid) and something that could make it more painful was soda - the carbonation - so I stopped drinking as much. I didn't drink it at all for a month or so, and then when I was feeling a lot better I started taking a glass for dinner during the weekends. And I have been doing that, keeping up the good work, since September. All though, saying this, I don't think it's bad to drink some soda every once in a while during the week either - it's all about restricting the bad stuff!

This has something to do with health, too, walking, exercising. The last few years I have been shit at it. But the last few months I have been really good. My friend and I have been going on walks several times a week and I'm proud of myself!

And that's that, I suppose. 

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BUT there is still one month left of 2017. And though I am not planning on reaching any massive life goals, I do have some reading related goals. I have already reached my goodreads reading goal of 25 books. So far I have read 30 books, and when I finish the book I'm currently reading I will have beaten my real goal. 

I defiantly find myself wanting to read more during the cozier times, and the more relaxing times: summer holiday and winter times. One of the things I have realized is that I love to read during the weekends with the current cross-country or biathlon race on TV in the background. Preferably with the fire going, too. It's just really nice! My goal for this month is four books. It's a reachable goal. 
I was talking some bookstagram photos for instagram and my dog decided to lay down so I had to take some photos of him.. *love-eyes*. 

Other than the books, I want to continue walking a lot, and eat healthier than I'm currently doing. I would also love to workout - not just walking - more.

What's something you want to accomplish this month?

Love, Thea.

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who am I?

My name is Thea, I'm a 19 year old girl who loves to read, write and spend way too much time on the computer. I'm a introverted, shy girl who wishes she could be more social.



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